Charge Meal & Wellness Policies

Summer Meal Site Information

Charge Meal & Wellness Policies

Charge Meal Policy

The Union-Endicott Central School District Board of Education recognizes that, on occasion, students may forget to bring money to school. To ensure that students do not go hungry, but also promote responsible student behavior and minimize the fiscal burden to the District, the Board will allow students who forget money to “charge the cost of the meals to be paid back at a later date.


A student will be allowed to charge up to five (5) lunches with the cost of these lunches added to his/her account balance. After five (5) lunch charges, the Food Service office will contact the parent/guardian to inform of these charges and request payment. While the maximum number of allowable charges is five (5), the Board of Education acknowledges that each student deserves to have the dignity to choose his/her meal regardless of payment status. In the case the student is over the allowable limit of five (5) charges without payment, the student will continue to be offered his/her choice of meal. The cost of this meal will be added to the lunch account and the balance will need to be paid as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to collect the payment due on accounts. When an account has a negative balance of five meal charges, the building principal will contact the parent/guardian to arrange payment. Account balances and payment collections are not to be discussed with students at any time. In the case that a student does not have money on his/her account, there will be no charging of “extra” items or ala carte (snack) items.


There will be no adult charging (employees, volunteers, or visitors) of school meals.


The Food Service Department will provide notice to all parents on an annual basis prior to the opening day of school, outlining the requirements of this regulation. The regulation shall also be published in an appropriate school-based publication.

Wellness Policy

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