About Us
Farm to School
Meal Modifications
Child Nutrition Knowledge Center
The New York State Education Department provides information on the current regulations and resources to implement school nutrition programs in New York State. Additionally, child nutrition programs are audited every three years by this department.
New York School Nutrition Association
The school nutrition association for New York State is a group of school food service professionals which promotes excellence in child nutrition, helping to ensure all children have access to nutritious meals.
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Farm to School
The New York State Farm to School Program connects schools with local farms and food producers to strengthen local agriculture, improve student health, and promote regional food system awareness.
School Nutrition Association
The national school nutrition association is an organization of school nutrition professionals committed to advancing the quality of school meal programs through education and advocacy.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Child Nutrition Programs
The School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program are federally assisted meal programs through the United States Department of Agriculture. They provide nutritionally balanced, low cost or free meals to children each school day.
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